Recipe: Homemade Gluten Free Playdough (2024)

Gluten free playdough. Not something you’d probably even think about if you didn’t have gluten issues in your home. But for those who are really sensitive to gluten, even gluten in playdough can be an issue. That’s why I’m excited to share my gluten free playdough today.

Why gluten free playdough?

If you’re sensitive to gluten, you are probably used to checking for gluten in unexpected places. I remember my first year gluten free…not only did I have to learn to read food labels very carefully, I also discovered that gluten was lurking in many unexpected places. Lip gloss? Yipes! Envelope glue…who knew? And, sadly, play dough. Kids who are gluten free have to be careful with traditional play doughs, even though they don’t (usually) eat it. For a gluten sensitive child, even the amount of gluten on their hands after playing with play dough can make them sick. And for kids with wheat allergies, play dough residue can be a serious problem! Luckily, there are alternatives to store-bought play dough. If you make it at home, you know that it’s not only free of wheat and gluten, but also free of other substances you’d rather your child not have on his or her hands. And, since we all know how very tempting a cookie made of play dough can be, you can also rest easy knowing that it’s not going to be a problem, even if it does some how end up in their mouth.

Traditional, store-bought play dough compounds contain more than just wheat…they often also contain chemicals such as retrogradation inhibitors, preservatives, binders, borax, and petroleum based additives. Again, we all know that the play dough is supposed to stay on the table and not go in the mouth…but why play with these chemicals when you could make it at home with just three simple ingredients? All you need to make natural, chemical free, homemade gluten free playdough is salt, corn starch and water. That’s it! And, if you’d like to make yours colored, try using some all natural, vegetable-based food coloring. Why not add a little lavender essential oil to the play dough, and benefit from its calming effects?

An added bonus to homemade play dough is that it’s a lot of fun to make together. Kids can help measure the ingredients, watch you heat them on the stove, and then knead it once it cools down a little. Kneading the warm dough is a very calming activity, which makes this a wonderful thing to do on a rainy day…nothing calms down cabin fever faster than a creative project that’s both tactile and kinesthetic.

How to make your gluten free playdough:

To make the play dough, just mix the salt and corn starch together in a pan. This is a great job for a child to do!

Now, add some cold water. We used plant-based food color in our water, it works best if you mix the water and color first!

Stir the water into the corn starch and salt until they are well combined. Then, heat the mixture on medium heat and stir constantly until it becomes thick and dough-like. It doesn’t take long! An adult needs to do this step, it’s hot and the dough will get thick on the bottom first and it’s a little hard to stir.

When it’s thick, turn the dough out onto the table and let it cool off for a few minutes. When it’s cooled off enough not to burn, have your child knead the dough! The warmth in their hands has a wonderful calming effect. Once it’s kneaded, you’re ready to create whatever you’d like!

Keep the dough in an airtight container (I like to use a zip-lock bag flattened out so that there’s very little air in it). It will be ready to play with for days to come!

Homemade Gluten Free Playdough

Recipe: Homemade Gluten Free Playdough (5)

Being sensitive to gluten can effect you in ways you never though - like playing with playdough. This homemade gluten free playdough allows you to play without fear!

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time15 minutes

Total Time25 minutes



  1. Pour the salt and the corn starch into a pan.
  2. If you are using food coloring and/or essential oil, mix a few drops into the cold water.
  3. Add the cold water to the corn starch and salt, and mix well.
  4. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly. The mixture will thicken, starting at the bottom of the pan. Scrape the pan as you stir.
  5. When the play dough becomes very thick, take it off the heat and turn it onto the table or counter. Allow it to cool until you can handle it, then have your child knead the warm play dough until it's smooth and pliable.
  6. When you're finished playing with it, store it in an airtight container (I use a zip lock bag, and press all the air out of it).

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Recipe: Homemade Gluten Free Playdough (2024)


Recipe: Homemade Gluten Free Playdough? ›

For the most part, homemade playdough recipes contain the same essential ingredients: flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, water, and food coloring.

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For the most part, homemade playdough recipes contain the same essential ingredients: flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, water, and food coloring.

What is the best homemade playdough recipe? ›

how to make the world's best homemade play-doh. You'll need 3 cups of white all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons of table salt, 3-4 tablespoons of any cooking oil (start with 3 and add more if necessary), 3 cups HOT water, and food coloring.

What is the secret ingredient in play dough? ›

With this recipe the key is to really make sure you knead the dough well to avoid ending up with an end product that is too sticky or wet. The glycerine is a secret ingredient that makes the playdough extra stretchy and fun!

What does cream of tartar do in homemade playdough? ›

In fact, baking powder is a mixture of baking soda and cream of tartar. It is slightly acidic, and because of this, it affects the gluten structure of the playdough to make it more elastic. Tartaric acid acts as an emulsifier, so it helps prevent any added oil from separating.

How to make homemade playdough with 2 ingredients? ›

All you need for this play dough recipe is cornstarch and cheap conditioner. Emphasis on the CHEAP. Cheap conditioner is slightly more watered down. The extra liquid helps create the right texture you're looking for.

Do you need cream of tartar in playdough? ›

Yes, if you want a soft playdough and want it to last longer, you need to add a little bit of cream of tartar. We tested different amounts and found 2 teaspoons to be the perfect amount to make the playdough super soft. If you skip the cream of tartar your dough may turn out a bit more dry and crumbly.

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Homemade Playdough Recipe

This recipe is super quick and easy to make (you can make a batch in about five minutes) and much cheaper than buying ready-made playdough. Homemade playdough is also super easy to store. Just drop it in a ziplock bag and it will last for months!

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To make your dough harden faster, bake at 350°F, but keep an eye on it because it might turn brown. To completely seal and protect your dough art, apply a clear or paint varnish.

What happens when you bake homemade playdough? ›

When you bake Play-Doh, it will harden and become a solid, plastic-like material. The color will also become more vibrant and the final product will be more durable than unbaked Play-Doh.

What is a substitute for cream of tartar in playdough? ›

Lemon juice and white vinegar can both act as substitutes for cream of tartar. Lemon juice will give your playdough a more pleasant scent than vinegar.

What makes dough gluten-free? ›

Flours that contain glutenin and gliadin are said to be "glutenous" or have "gluten potential." Flours that don't contain that pair of proteins—think rice flour, corn flour, buckwheat flour, and so forth—get labeled gluten-free.

Is there a gluten-free playdough? ›

Luckily, there exist a handful of commercial brands of gluten free playdough we can buy. Find them below, as well as some homemade recipes!

Can gluten-free people play with playdough? ›

Parents of children with gluten sensitivity may not have to worry about their child being exposed to gluten in school when handling materials like Play-Doh and dry pasta, a new study has found. These items don't have a significant transfer of gluten on hands or surfaces after children played with them.

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If you don't have flour or pancake mix, you could also use baking soda and cornstarch like Messy Kids. And the boys got their play dough. I skip adding the food coloring myself and let the play dough cool a little bit before giving it to the boys.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.